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Publications & Presentations: Welcome


Check out Dr. Madrid's latest Publications or Media Contributions:

Peer Reviewed Articles, Magazine Articles, and Book Chapters

Weesjes, E. M. and Madrid, P.A. (2018). An Insidious Prison. The Psychologist, Published online December 20, 2018.

Scigliano, M. Roncaglione, V. and Madrid, P.A. (2018). "Developing a Comprehensive Trauma- and Resiliency-Focused Program After Superstorm Sandy in New York City, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, published online November 20, 2018. 

Madrid, P. A. (2011). Resilience Challenged: Thoughts on children and family mental health in the gulf coast five years after Hurricane Katrina. Pediatrics, 128, 1, pp S26-S27.

DiMaggio, C., and Madrid, P. A. (2009). The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York City pp 522-537 in Mental Health and Disasters. Edited by Yuval Neria, Sandro Galea, and Fran Norris. New York, Cambridge University Press [Book Chapter].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., and Rosen, R. (2009). Creating Disability through Inadequate Disaster Response: Hurricane Katrina and its Aftermath pp 1- 16. Disability: Insights from Across Fields and Around the World, Volumes I, II, and III.” Edited by Catherine A. Marshall, Elizabeth Kendall, Martha E. Banks & Reva Mariah S. Gover. Westport, CT, Praeger Publishers [Book Chapter].

DiMaggio, C., Madrid, P. A., and Galea, S., & Loo, G. (2008). The mental health consequences of terrorism: implications for emergency medicine practitioners. Journal of Emergency Med, 35, 2, pp 139-47.

Madrid, P. A., Sinclair, H., Bankston, T., Overholt, S. Brito, A., Domnitz, R., Grant, R. (2008). Building Integrated Mental Health and Medical Programs for Vulnerable Populations Post-Disaster: Connecting Children and Families to a Medical Home. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 23, 4, pp 314-321.

DiMaggio, C., Galea, S., & Madrid, P. A. (2007). Population psychiatric medication prescription rates following a terrorist attack. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22, 6, pp 479-.485.

Garrett, A. L., Grant, R., Madrid, P. A., Brito, A., Abramson, D., Redlener, I. (2007). Children and Megadisasters - Lessons learned in the new millennium,” Advances in Pediatrics, 54, pp 189-214.

Madrid, P.A, Schacher, S. (2006). A critical concern: Pediatrician self-care after disasters. Pediatrics, 117, pp 454-457.

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Reilly, M., Redlener, N. (2006). Challenges in meeting immediate emotional needs: short-term impact of a major disaster on children’s mental health: Building resiliency in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Pediatrics, 117, pp 448-453.

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Reilly, M., Redlener, N. (2006). Challenges in meeting immediate emotional needs: short-term impact of a major disaster on children’s mental health: Building resiliency in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Pediatrics, 117, pp 448-453.

Madrid, P. A. & Grant, R. (2006). Innovative Community-Based Support Group Post 9/11: The Starbucks Group. Families of September 11. 9: 4.

Madrid, P. A. (2005). Understanding and encouraging bereaved young adults. Families of September 11. 7: 4.

DiMaggio, C., Galea, S., & Madrid, P. A. (2006). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescriptions following a terrorist attack. Psychiatric Services, 57, pp 1656-1657.

Madrid, P. A. (2005). Understanding and encouraging bereaved young adults. Families of September 11. 7:4.

Hoffman, Y., Everly, G, S., Werner, D, Livet, M., Madrid, P., Pfefferbaum, B & Beaton, R. (2005). Identification and evaluation of mental health and psychosocial preparedness resources from the centers for Public Health Preparedness. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 11(6 Suppl): S138-S142.

Madrid, P. A. (2005). Understanding and encouraging bereaved young adults. Families of September 11. 7: 4.

Hoffman, Y., Everly, G, S., Werner, D, Livet, M., Madrid, P., Pfefferbaum, B & Beaton, R. (2005). Identification and evaluation of mental health and psychosocial preparedness resources from the centers for Public Health Preparedness. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 11(6 Suppl): S138-S142.

Madrid, P.A. (2003). Cambio de códigobilingüecomomediador en el procesamiento de memoriastraumáticas. Revista de PsicotraumaparaIberoamérica, 2 (2), pp 36-51


Madrid, P. A., Garfield, R., Grant, M.A., Redlener, I. (2007). Ongoing impact of hurricane Katrina on children: Role of school-based health centers. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s144.

Fuller, E. J., Madrid, P. A. (2007). Living in “temporary” housing two years after the  hurricane: The mental health implications if long-term residence in FEMA trailer camps. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s144.

DiMaggio, C. D., Galea, S., Madrid, P. A. (2007). Population selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescription rates following a terrorist attack. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s142.

Abramson, D.M., Garfield, R.M., Madrid, P. A., Redlener, I. (2007). Assessing mental health disability and its psychosocial correlates in a cohort of displaced and residents from the hurricane Katrina-affected gulf coast. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s141.

Redlener, I., Brito, A., Shapiro, A., Garfield, R.M., Madrid, P. A., Abramson, D.M.. (2007). Combined clinical and public health response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Operation Assist and utilization of mobile medical units. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s128.

Madrid, P. A., Grant, R., Domnitz, R., Redlener, I. (2007). Establishing Permanent Mental Health Programs Post-Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Practice in Underserved Communities Impacted by Mass Trauma. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22 (Supp 2): s141.

Markenson, D., Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Redlener, I. (2005). An emotional preparedness and resilience curriculum for high risk fourth grade children: An essential aspect of comprehensive disaster preparedness. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Journal, 20 (Supp2): s21.

Markenson, D., Madrid, P. A., Redlener, I. (2005). Helping children in disasters through alleviating their parents’ anxiety:  Psychosocial group interventions post-disaster. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Journal, 20 (Supp 2): s33.


Professional Presentations (Selected)

Madrid, P., Scigliano, M., Pesso, L (2017). Psychological Assessment of Torture & Abuse Survivors: Evaluating Children, Adolescents and Adults. 17th Annual International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Split, Croatia [workshop].

Madrid, P., Scigliano, M (2016). The Role of Mental Health Providers in Immigration Matters.

16th Annual International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. New York, NY [presentation].

Madrid, P., Gracy, D., Scigliano, M (2016). Coping Kits: An Innovative Way to Enhance Child Resilience After Disaster. 2016 Young Child Expo & Conference. New York, NY. [presentation].

Madrid, P., Roncaglione, V., Gracy, D., Scigliano, M (2016). Developing a comprehensive trauma and resiliency focused program post-hurricane Sandy in New York City. The 6th Global Conference for Trauma. Budapest, Hungary [ presentation].

Madrid, P. (2014). Just in Time: Building brighter futures for children dealing with crisis. Panel presentation. New York, NY.

Anderson, K. & Madrid P. (2013). Population risk-factors in emergency disaster work. European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice, France [Poster]. 

Bankston, T., Domnitz, R., Madrid, P.A., Miller, M. (2011). Reflecting Across a Decade of World Disaster Challenges and Opportunities to Support resiliency. American Group Psychotherapy Association: Group as a Source of Resiliency and Change, New York, NY [Workshop].

Madrid, P.A. (2010). Resiliency Building: What Mentoring Programs and Staff Can and Should do! The Eastern Pennsylvania Mentoring Partnership Conference: The Business of Mentoring: Reading, PA [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A. (2010). Keynote Talk entitled: Lessons Learned from the field: Culturally relevant work with disaster-related trauma. Shifting Paradigms: Cultural narratives of trauma as a foundation for quality care: Farleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ.

Madrid, P. A. (2009). Post-Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Disaster Intervention. Annual Diversity Conference, Diversity and Diagnosis: Reflections on posttraumatic stress disorder. The Graduate Institute of Professional Psychology of the University of Hartford. Hartford, CT [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A. (2009). Keynote Speaker Annual New York State School Social Workers

Association. School Social Workers: Expanding the Tools of Our Profession, Ellenville, NY.

Madrid, P. A. (2009). Innovations in Early Intervention: Assisting Children. Institute for Disaster Mental Health. 6th Annual Conference. In the Wake of Disaster: Effective Mental Health Interventions. New Paltz, NY [Invited Panel Speaker].

Madrid, P. A. (2009). Psychological first aid with children. Institute for Disaster Mental Health. 6th Annual Conference. In the Wake of Disaster: Effective Mental Health Interventions. New Paltz, NY [Workshop].

Madrid, P. A. (2008). Using a socio-ecological model to describe the long-term mental health consequences of disaster in the United States. Public Health without Borders: 136th Annual Meeting and Expo American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA [Oral].

Madrid, P. A., Domnitz, R., Hurowitz, K., Grant, R. (2007). Coping Boxes (TM): An innovative way to build child resilience in the wake of disasters. 2007 Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools National Conference. Washington, DC [Invited Panel Speaker].

Madrid, P. A., Domnitz, R., Hurowitz, K., Grant, R. (2007). Coping Boxes (TM): An innovative way to build child resilience in the wake of disasters. 135th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Washington, DC [Oral].

Grant, R., Madrid, P. A., Seim, L. (2007). Operation Assist: Lessons learned from relief efforts following hurricane Katrina. 2007 National School-Based Health Care Convention. Washington, DC [Workshop].

Madrid, P. A. (2007). Promoting Resiliency in Children. Institute for Disaster Mental Health: Our Community Prepares. New Paltz, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A., Grant, R., Domnitz, R. (2007). Mental health needs of children following hurricane Katrina: The role of school-based health centers. Pediatrics Academic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA [Poster].

Madrid, P. A., Hoffer-Adou, M. Domnitz, R. (2007). Understanding and treating oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) in children. The Louisiana Assembly on School- Based Health Care. Baton Rouge, LA [Oral].

Madrid, P.A., Hoffer-Adou, M, Schacher, S., Grant, R. (2007). Children and disaster preparedness: resilience building in high risk children. 10th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Las Vegas, NV [Oral].

Madrid, P. A. (2006). Disaster mental health in the wake of hurricane Katrina. Twenty-second

Annual Rosalyn Carter Symposium on Mental Health Policy. Atlanta, GA [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A. (2006). Integrating school based health centers into emergency preparedness planning: Lessons from hurricane Katrina. 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA [Oral].

Reilly, M., Thomas, G., Madrid, P.A. (2006). Methods for tracking and the identifying displaced persons and evacuees in a post-disaster environment. Asia-Pacific Conference on Disaster Medicine. Tokyo, Japan [Oral].

Madrid, P. A. (2006). Understanding mental health in children and families post Hurricane Katrina. Regional Medical Team Meeting: Louisiana Office of Public Health. Baton Rouge, LA [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A. (2006). Understanding compassion fatigue. 33rd Annual Regional Perinatal

Symposium. Syracuse, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P. A. (2006). Creating vital connections as we approach the future: Five years beyond

9/11. New York, NY [Invited Panel Speaker].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Seim, L., Thomas, G., Redlener, I., (2006). Meeting the needs of children in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. American Psychological Association Convention 2006. New Orleans, LA [Oral].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Seim, L., Thomas, G., Redlener, I., (2006). The role of school-based health centers in meeting children's needs following hurricane Katrina. Presented at the Academy Health 2006 Annual Research Meeting. Seattle, WA [Poster].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Seim, L., Thomas, G., Daly, M. (2006). Emergency care following hurricane Katrina: The role of school-based health care centers. Presented at the 2006 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA [Poster].

Madrid, P.A., (2006). Dealing with the aftermath of trauma in young children. The 4th Annual Early Childhood Conference: Effective Relationship-Based Practices in Promoting Positive Child Outcomes. New York, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., (2006). Trauma and recovery in children. Institute for Disaster Mental Health: Treatment Innovations for Disaster/Trauma Survivors. New Paltz, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Hoffer-Adou, M., Schacher, S., (2006). Children and disaster preparedness: Resilience building in high risk children. Resilience in Children Conference. Arlington, VA [Poster].

Madrid, P. A., Grant, R., Redlener, I., Hoffer-Adou, M. (2005). A model of family resilience building as a key in community disaster planning. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD [Poster].

Madrid, P.A., (2005). Identifying and treating mental health illness in the Hispanic community. A Healthy Life Begins with a Healthy Mind: A mental health forum for Women of Color, their families, and the organizations that serve them. Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center, New York, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Redlener, I., Berman, D. (2005). A model of family resilience building to promote community disaster planning. 133rd Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA [Roundtable Presentation].

Grant, R., Redlener, I., Markenson, D., Berman, D., Madrid, P. A. (2005). How Americans feel about terrorism security: Three years after September 11. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting. Boston, MA [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Redlener, I. (2005). Helping children in disasters through alleviating their parents’ anxiety: Psychosocial group interventions post-disaster. The World Congress of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh, Scotland [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Redlener, I. (2005). An emotional preparedness and resilience curriculum for high risk 4th grade children: An essential aspect of comprehensive disaster preparedness. The World Congress of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh, Scotland [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A. (2005). Children and disaster preparedness: Resilience building in high risk children. The 3rd Annual Early Childhood Conference: Innovations in Assessment and Interventions, Fordham University, New York, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Markenson, D., & Redlener, I.  (2004). A coping and resilience curriculum for high risk children: Part of comprehensive disaster preparedness. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC [Oral].

Madrid, P.A. (2004). The trauma of separation in children. In: The Annual Therapeutic Foster Boarding Home Forum: The impact of trauma on children’s behavior, Fordham University, New York, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., Grant, R., Redlener, I., Markenson, D., & Redlener, E. (2004). Traditional trauma therapy provided in a non-traditional setting: A post-9/11 model. In: The 4th  International Congress on Disaster Psychiatry, Miami, FL [Oral].

Grant, R., Madrid, P.A. & Redlener, I. (2003). Mental health services as part of terrorism preparedness. Pediatric Academic Societies, Seattle, Washington [Poster].

Grant, R., Lynch, L., Madrid, P.A., Redlener, E., & Redlener, I. (2003). Mental health, terrorism preparedness, and policy: The aftermath of 9/11. 131st Annual Meeting American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA [Oral].

Madrid, P. A., Paula, S., & Datner, E. (2003). Coping and resilience in the aftermath of terrorism: Community interventions with people of color. Key Note Speaker for the Connecticut Psychological Association’s Diversity Task Committee Annual Meeting, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A., & Grant, R. (2003). Building resilience in the wake of terrorism. In: The

Presentation for the Multiple Needs, Multiple Services: No child left behind Conference. Sponsored by the New York State Task Force on School Community Collaboration-The New York City Interagency Committee, New York, NY [Invited Presentation].

Madrid, P.A. (2003). Bilingual code-switching (CS) as a mediator in the processing of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) traumatic memories (TM): A manual for therapists. In: The XXIX Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Lima, Peru [Oral].

Grant, R., Madrid, P.A.., Rigual-Lynch, L., Paula, S., Datner, E., Redlener, E., & Redlener, I. (2003). Clinical Services to Families of Passengers killed in the crash of American Airlines Flight 587. In: The Disaster Psychiatry, III International Congress, Washington, DC [Poster].

Madrid, P.A. (2002). Using bilingual code-switching to mediate traumatic memories. In: The

Annual Conference of the Connecticut Psychological Association, Westbrook, CT [Oral].

Grant, R., Paula, S., Madrid, P.A., Heiser, D., Lynch, L., & Redlener, I. (2002). An innovative community support program following the attacks of 9/11. In: The American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA [Oral].

Madrid, P.A. (2002). Bilingual code-switching as a mediator in the processing of posttraumatic stress disorder traumatic memories. In: The III Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Bogotá, Colombia [Oral].

Madrid, P.A. (2002). La traumatizacion de los ayudantes: Victimizacion secundaria. In: The III Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Bogota, Colombia [Oral].

Grant, R., Paula, S., Madrid, P.A., Heiser, D., Lynch. L., & Redlener, I. (2002). An innovative community response program following the terror attacks of 9/11. The Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy Conference, Washington, DC [Poster].

Grant, R., Lynch, L., Redlener, E., Garfinkel, E., Redlener, I., Paula, S., Madrid, P.A., & Heiser,

D. (2002). Children of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01? A model response. The Pediatric Academic Societies Conference. Baltimore, MD [Poster].

Grand Rounds, Community Education and Training (selected)

Documentation of Psychological Torture/Abuse -Conducting the Psychological Exam.  Bronx Human Rights Clinic. Via Zoom. July 7, 2020

"Women’s Leadership Panel” Rutgers University, Newark, NJ March 28, 2018.
“Stress, Trauma and PTSD.” Presented for Triumph Over Trauma: Flint Resiliency Summit, Flint, MI. March 16, 2017.
“Mom Support Group after Superstorm Sandy.” Multi-session group for Marine Park mothers, Brooklyn, NY. January 2014-January 2015.
“Compassion Fatigue.” Two part workshop for responders for Gerritsen Beach residents, Brooklyn, NY. February & March, 2014.
“Understanding Mental Health Issues in Medical Settings” In-service for Maimonides Hospital, New York, NY. October 22, 2013.
“Helping Case Managers in Times of Disaster.” Presented for Monmouth Cares, Monmouth County, NJ. April 4, 2012.
Cops Policing Institute, “Understanding Child Development.” June 21, 2010, Philadelphia, PA.
“Gulf Coast Fund Convening.” Two-day skill building convention hosted by the Gulf Coast Fund, New Orleans, LA. April 13 and 14, 2007.
Stress Management for mental health providers. In-service for School-based health centers of Harrison County, Mississippi Mental Health Staff, December 2005, February 2006.
“Understanding trauma and PTSD.” Three One-day workshops for Louisiana State School-based health center personnel. (3 Continuing Education Credits for social workers). Lafayette, LA.
“Introduction to CBT.” Lecture for Master’s students in Columbia University, New York, NY. February, 2006.
“Understanding and treating self-injurious behaviors in adolescents.” In-service for St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center, New York, NY. February, 2006.
“Mental Health: Comparisons of 9/11 and Katrina.” Panel Discussion at New York University, New York, NY. March, 2006.
“Community approaches to disaster mental health: The Resiliency Program.” Colloquium, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY. March, 2006.
“Treatment of Traumatized Children: Theory and Case Consultation.” Two one-day workshops for Louisiana State School-based Health Centers Social Workers. Baton Rouge and Alexandria, LA. (3 Continuing Education Credits to social workers). April 24 and 25, 2006.
“Treating traumatized children and adolescents” St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center, November 16, 2005.
“Understanding Secondary Traumatization” Milstein Hospital Building, October 28, 2005.
“Fostering resiliency in children through community: Parental roles in resilience building” Milstein Hospital Building, October 21, 2005.
“Working with the Traumatized Young Child”, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Day Care Training Institute, New York, NY, June, 2005.
“Resiliency and Recovery in the Aftermath of 9/11: Stress Management for All: Taking care of the Mind, Body and Soul,” Milstein at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, June, 2005.
“Resiliency and Recovery in the Aftermath of 9/11: Helping the Traumatized Child,” Milstein at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, June, 2005.
“Introduction to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD),” New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Day Care Training Institute, New York, NY, May, 2005.

“Children who don’t listen: Explanations and solutions,” New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Day Care Training Institute, New York, NY, May, 2005.
“Understanding difficult behavior in children: Effective Behavior Management.” New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Day Care Training Institute, New York, NY, April, 2005.

Publications & Presentations: About Me
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